OS Walkthrough 01— Multi-threading & CPU Scheduling
PKU’s OS on Coursera: Week 01 ~ Week 04
Operating Systems courses on Coursera are fewer than computer programming, data structure, and algorithm. Though taught in Chinese, Peking University’s Operating Systems renders OS basics from a bird’s eye view. After I completed this course, the following passages are the key points I noted encapsulating this OS course.
This article is about spooling, system call, interrupt & exception, process, PCB (process control block), process state diagram, process VS. thread, multithreading, CPU scheduling algorithms (FCFS, SJF, SRTN; RR, HRRN, MLFQ), batch processing / interactive processing / real-time processing, & priority inversion.
Peking University’s Operating Systems on Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/os-pku
Next article:
(1) Week 01: Introduction to OS
- Concurrency VS. Parallelism
- Time-sharing OS (time slice) / real-time OS / general OS / embedded OS
- Real-time OS: hard real-time VS. soft real-time
- User level / kernel level / hardware level
- Spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On-Line): Improving batch processing, mediating between a computer application and a slow peripheral, such as a printer. [1]
(2) Week 02: OS Environment
- CPU = Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) + Control Unit (CU) + Register + Cache. Register and cache are often composed of SRAM.
- A few significant registers: PC (Program Counter), IR (Instruction Register), and PSW (Program Status Words).
- 2 kinds of CPU modes: user mode & kernel mode.
- Instruction: privileged instruction & non-privileged instruction.
- x86 CPUs support 4 CPU privilege instructions : R0, R1, R2, R3. R0: kernel mode. R1 & R2: in between. R3: user mode. Currently, most of the OSs based on x86 CPU only use R0 & R3.
6. Interrupt & exception:
According to Computer Organization and Design (4th ed.) [8], under the MIPS convetion, we use the term “exception” to refer to “internal” unexpected change in control flow, and use “interrupt” to refer to the “external” ones.
- Interrupt (external) : this happens as a result of outside interference, whether that’s from the user, from peripherals, from other hardware devices, or through a network. [2]
- Exception (internal): this happens when executing a process or thread.
7. Probing into interrupt (external) & exception (internal):
- Interrupt: from I/O devices and other hardware components. Async (asynchronous). Return to the next instruction.
- Exception 01 — Trap: Conscious arrangement. Sync (synchronous). Return to the next instruction.
- Exception 02 — Fault: Can be restored. Sync. Return to the current instruction.
- Exception 03 — Abort: Can’t be restored. Sync. Do not return.
8. User mode -> kernel mode: interrupt, exception, trap (system call).
9. System call (trap): CPU switches to kernel mode from user mode.
10. OSs are interrupt-driven. (This is the Intel x86 convention [8], using interrupt to include the external and internal ones mentioned earlier on)
(3) Week 03: Process and Thread Models
1. Process: the abstraction of an execution of a program.
2. Process: resource allocation unit & CPU scheduling unit. (After the thread is introduced, the thread becomes the new CPU scheduling unit)
3. PCB (process control block): the only way an OS perceives processes. A process and its PCB are one-to-one correspondence.
4. Every process has its own independent address space.
5. Process list / PCB / FCB / MMU
6. Linux: fork() & exec()
7. Process state diagram: New/Created, Running, Ready, Blocked/Waiting, Terminated.
8. Atomic action: An indivisible sequence of primitive operations that must complete without interruption. [6]
9. Process VS. Thread:
- A process may be split into several threads.
- The threads in a process share the same address space and use all the resources in that process.
- After introducing the thread, the resource allocation unit is still a process.
- The CPU scheduling unit becomes a thread
10. Pros of multithreading:
- Raise CPU utilization
- When some threads have to stop and wait for the connection or take a large amount of CPU time, they can be handled in the background, so the rest of the threads can still work correctly in the foreground.
11. Cons of multithreading:
- Race condition
- The overhead cost of context switching
- Need more memory space to store threads
12. Multi-programming / Multi-processing / Multi-threading
13. User-level thread & kernel-level thread:
- User level thread: UNIX
- Kernel level thread: Windows
(4) Week 04: CPU Scheduling
- Scheduling algorithms / scheduler / process scheduler
- I/O-bound process VS. CPU-bound process (compute-bound process)
- Preemptive VS. Non-preemptive
- Batch processing / interactive processing / real-time processing
- Evaluating a batch processing scheduling algorithm:
- CPU utilization
- Throughput
- Turnaround time (TAT)
6. Evaluating an interactive processing scheduling algorithm:
- Response time
- Proportionality
7. Evaluating a real-time processing scheduling algorithm:
- Within the time limit (hard real-time VS. soft real-time)
- Reliability
8. Scheduling algorithms in batch processing:
- First-come, first-served (FCFS) [cf. FIFO in page replacement algorithms]
- Shortest job first (SJF)
- Shortest remaining time next (SRTN)
9. Scheduling algorithms in interactive processing:
- Round-robin (RR): Quantum (time slice) (20 ms ~ 50 ms, or 10 ms ~ 100 ms). Cost of process switching & context switching.
- Priority scheduling
- Highest response ratio next (HRRN)
- Multi-level feedback queue (MLFQ) [may cause hungry]
- Aging
10. Scheduling algorithms in real-time processing:
Separating scheduling mechanism & scheduling policy.
- Thread scheduling
11. Priority inversion (check next article of this series regarding synchronization for the concept of critical section)
OS Walkthrough 02 — Synchronization
- Bounded priority inversion VS. unbounded priority inversion
- Solutions: priority ceiling protocol & priority inhabitance
(5) References
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spooling
[2] https://www.techopedia.com/definition/7115/external-interrupt
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_state
[4] https://www.d.umn.edu/~gshute/os/processes-and-threads.html
[8] Patterson, D.A., & Hennessy, J. L. (2010). Computer Organization and Design (4th ed.). Taipei, Taiwan: Elsevier Taiwan LLC.
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